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NZB Online Restricted Open Swiss Pairs (Fundraiser) (June 2024)
Results after 7 of 7 matchesMatch Imps (rounded)Totals
Place Pair Names M1M2M3M4M5M6M7  Imps VPs W‑D‑L
1 ANNE SIM / LEO SIM (1)271321-37-112 75.67 96.695-0-2  
2 JOHN SEATOR / BARBARA ROBINSON (6)2516-5-2-47-12 25.00 77.923-0-4  
3 PHIL REVELL / STUART BADGER (4)635314-7-22 2.67 71.585-0-2  
4 KATHERINE GOUGH / JULIA BARNETT (3)-60-12-7-119 4.00 71.542-0-5  
5 DEBBIE MARCROFT / GARRY HODGE (8)-5-31-141-9 -11.67 65.323-0-4  
6 ROB ARMSTRONG / MEREANA CULLEN (2)-270-1413-722 -21.67 62.274-0-3  
7 SUE KAY / TRISH MURPHY (5)-25-1314-6-1419 -33.00 58.373-0-4  
8 DEBORAH MATTHEWS / BARBARA GORDON (7)5-16-216-37-19 -41.00 56.313-0-4  
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