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HB Congress Open Teams Qualifying (June 2024)
Results after 7 of 7 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑L
1 A CARRYER (23)116 100.586-0-1  
2 A JARVIS (31)74 91.726-0-1  
3 A SOLOMON (17)70 89.745-1-1  
4 A WOODHALL (28)76 89.484-0-3  
5 A WU (1)65 88.835-0-2  
6 A PRING (34)69 87.364-1-2  
7 A TIBBLE (29)45 81.404-0-3  
8 A WILCOX (27)39 80.865-0-2  
9 A DAVIES (13)49 79.974-0-3  
10 A GRIFFIN (7)45 78.984-0-3  
11 A TERRY (6)38 78.694-0-3  
12 A GRUSCHOW (11)24 76.684-0-3  
13 A MCKIRDY (24)17 75.955-0-2  
14 A QUINLIVAN (33)13 74.834-0-3  
15 A WALDVOGEL (3)8 73.244-0-3  
16 A SHERIDAN (26)7 72.664-0-3  
17 A BUTLER (4)14 70.733-0-4  
18 A CLEAVER (19)-1 70.454-0-3  
19 A MURPHY (16)-3 69.564-0-3  
20 A FITZSIMONS (10)-7 68.453-1-3  
21 A HAYWOOD (15)-13 66.303-0-4  
22 A CRAIG (8)-23 64.093-0-4  
23 A ARMSTRONG (18)-33 61.743-0-4  
24 A LAURENSON (12)-35 61.353-0-4  
25 A DEAN (25)-44 58.812-1-4  
26 A O'BRIEN (20)-41 58.262-1-4  
27 A EDGINTON (32)-48 56.522-0-5  
28 A PATTERSON (5)-56 55.772-0-5  
29 A HODGE (30)-60 55.682-0-5  
30 A CORSON (2)-55 55.091-1-5  
31 A SPENCER (22)-69 52.012-0-5  
32 A MCMILLAN (21)-73 48.701-0-6  
33 A BORREN (14)-86 45.032-0-5  
34 A SUTICH (9)-122 40.492-0-5  
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