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HB Congress 3+1 Teams (June 2023)
Results after 3 of 3 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑L
1 A Tibble (14)34 43.903-0-0  
2 A Joseph (10)20 37.902-0-1  
3 A Duncan (1)18 37.462-0-1  
4 A D McAlister (9)11 35.203-0-0  
5 A Terry (11)7 32.282-0-1  
6 A Vercoe (13)6 32.212-0-1  
7 A Bristow (7)3 31.462-0-1  
8 A H McAlister (12)2 30.001-0-2  
9 A Quinlivan (5)-3 28.241-0-2  
10 A Smith (6)-9 26.821-0-2  
11 A McLeod (2)-17 23.621-0-2  
12 A Fitzsimons (3)-20 22.881-0-2  
13 A Solomon (4)-22 20.620-0-3  
14 A O'Shaughnessy (8)-30 17.410-0-3  

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