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Team 3 - Hammond
    Home Table   Away Table     Pair Datums  
  Leo Hammond
Alex Shan
  Sue Gray
Deirdre Evans
  John Weijermars
Anna Li
  Guocheng Zhong
Mackenzie Rhodes
Board No vs Team   Contract Result Score   Contract Result Score   Net Score Net Imps   Datum NS EW  
Board 14: Weijermars 4S S10420 4S S10-420   00   440-11  
Board 24: Weijermars 3NT S11660 3NT S10-630   301   3907-6  
Board 34: Weijermars 3NT S9400 2S W6-200   2005   28032  
Board 44: Weijermars 2H S9140 2NT S8-120   201   702-2  
Board 54: Weijermars 4S E950 6S E11-50   00   -3309-9  
Board 64: Weijermars 2S S7-50 2S S750   00   -10-11  
Board 74: Weijermars 6SX N9-800 4H E10620   -180-5   -260-118  
Board 84: Weijermars 4S S8-100 4H W11450   3508   -42081  
Board 94: Weijermars 4H S12480 4H S12-480   00        
Board 104: Weijermars 4S E11-650 4S E11650   00        
Total10  16-4 

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