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Team 4 - Weijermars
    Home Table   Away Table     Pair Datums  
  Deirdre Evans
Sue Gray
  Rachel Young
Heather Dickie
  Denise Chisholm
Judy Charlton
  John Weijermars
Anna Li
Board No vs Team   Contract Result Score   Contract Result Score   Net Score Net Imps   Datum NS EW  
Board 116: Young 3NT N7-100 3SX W6-500   -600-12   -40-2-11  
Board 126: Young 2D E5150 2S N10-170   -20-1   1400-1  
Board 136: Young 2H E9-140 2H E7-100   -240-6   -70-2-5  
Board 146: Young 4S S10420 4H S8100   52011   23058  
Board 156: Young 5D W11-400 3H E10170   -230-6   -340-2-5  
Board 166: Young 4H S10420 3H S10-170   2506   24052  
Board 176: Young 4C W12-170 3C W10130   -40-1   -1600-1  
Board 186: Young 3H N8-100 3H N9-140   -240-6   20-3-3  
Board 196: Young 4S N10420 3S N11-200   2206   1806-1  
Board 206: Young 3D W10-130 3D W11150   201   -2604-3  
Total-8  11-20 

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