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NZB Online Int-Jnr Swiss Pairs (Fundraiser) - KERRI MCCRAE / CAROL BEARSLEY
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
Round 1 - Matariki Intermediate-JuniorTRISH CLEARWATER / VIV MURRAY (8) 14.82 15.257
Round 2 - Matariki Intermediate-JuniorJAMES WINSKILL / NICKY BRADLEY (3) 19.45 16.251
Round 3 - Matariki Intermediate-JuniorSARA WORTH (3548) / SUSAN MACKEN (17) 2.00 10.721
Round 4 - Matariki Intermediate-JuniorJUSTINE HART / ZARIAS WERDER (53440) (18) 17.45 15.752
Round 5 - Matariki Intermediate-JuniorSTEVE MOORE / GRAEME DUHS (15) 0.55 10.362
Round 6 - Matariki Intermediate-JuniorSUSAN STEEDMAN / DAVE ALMOND (6) -1.91 9.282

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