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NZB Online Open Swiss Pairs (Fundraiser) - ANNA KALMA / MOSS WYLIE
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
Round 1 - Matariki OpenMINDY WU / KATE TERRY (6) 2.75 11.0825
Round 2 - Matariki OpenJOHN WANG / YUZHONG CHEN (16) -1.03 9.6435
Round 3 - Matariki OpenMALCOLM SMITH / KAREN HARRIS (3) -12.83 5.3549
Round 4 - Matariki OpenBRAD JOHNSTON / ZACHARY YAN (18) 9.86 13.6038
Round 5 - Matariki OpenEMMA RUSSELL / MARY CHAMBERLAIN (5) 16.06 15.5024
Round 6 - Matariki OpenJULIA WATSON / PETER WATSON (72) -4.14 8.5628

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