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NZB Online Open Swiss Pairs (Fundraiser) - MICHAEL NEELS / ELLA GRAY
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
Round 1 - Matariki OpenALICE YOUNG / GEORGE SUN (41) -17.33 4.2567
Round 2 - Matariki OpenBILL MECCHIA / DOROTHY BAIN (45) 10.75 13.9543
Round 3 - Matariki OpenJAN ALABASTER / JANE LENNON (74) -6.78 7.4851
Round 4 - Matariki OpenEMMA RUSSELL / MARY CHAMBERLAIN (5) -10.47 6.4058
Round 5 - Matariki OpenBRAD JOHNSTON / ZACHARY YAN (18) 9.78 13.6046
Round 6 - Matariki OpenFAISAL ALAM / CHERYL WINSOR (10) -21.25 3.2561

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