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HB Congress Intermediate Teams (June 2024)
Results after 7 of 7 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑L
1 A BALLANTYNE (7)126 102.576-0-1  
2 A ORTON (6)47 82.615-0-2  
3 A REID (12)52 82.444-0-3  
4 A VAN RAGELROOY (10)28 79.805-0-2  
5 A WILLCOX (15)37 79.664-0-3  
6 A FRENCH (16)19 76.175-0-2  
7 A HART (4)41 76.043-0-4  
8 A JACKSON (3)15 74.344-0-3  
9 A SCOTT (5)9 73.463-1-3  
10 A FOOTE (2)24 72.133-0-4  
11 A DOWNS (11)-20 65.593-0-4  
12 A STRUDWICK (13)-19 64.503-0-4  
13 A WYLIE (8)-14 64.163-0-4  
14 A UNVERRICHT (9)-36 64.133-0-4  
15 A KEMP (17)-21 63.924-0-3  
16 A WILLIAMS (14)-36 61.772-1-4  
17 A SOLOMON (1)-82 45.601-0-6  
18 A HOOKER (18)-158 34.351-0-6  

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