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HB Congress 3+1 Teams (May 2024)
Results after 3 of 3 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑L
1 A SMITH (16)59 50.153-0-0  
2 A STACHURSKI (17)40 45.473-0-0  
3 A MCKIRDY (6)59 44.732-0-1  
4 A DUNCAN (18)35 39.592-0-1  
5 A BRUCKER (2)10 33.781-1-1  
6 A TERRY (3)8 33.531-2-0  
7 A BLACKBURN (12)4 31.241-1-1  
8 A FITZSIMONS (10)1 30.371-1-1  
9 A Mishkin (1)-8 27.211-1-1  
10 A MCALISTER (4)-8 27.201-0-2  
11 A MCLEOD (7)-16 26.962-0-1  
12 A PATTERSON (13)-8 26.391-0-2  
13 A CHAPMAN (11)-14 26.012-0-1  
14 A JOSEPH (5)-24 25.041-0-2  
15 A JARVIS (9)-30 22.441-0-2  
16 A DAVIES (14)-20 21.921-0-2  
17 A BOWCOCK (8)-25 19.040-0-3  
18 A MCALISTER (15)-59 10.270-0-3  
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