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Interprovincial Intermediate Teams 2023 (November 2023)
Standings after 14 of 14 matches for the Inter-provincial Dougal McLean Trophy are Auckland/Northland 39, Otago/Southland 35, Waikato/Bays 27, Wellington 23, Canterbury 22, Central Districts 20, Top of the South 6.

Results after 14 of 14 matchesMatch VPs (click to show Imps)Totals
Place CatTeam M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10M11M12M13M14   Imps VPs W‑D‑L
1 A Wellington (4)15.7918.144.01 16.5518.787.109.646.29 18.6619.3417.4013.97 204 165.678-0-4  
2 A Auckland Northland (6)18.2815.1515.9917.5620.00 14.93 20.007.393.6310.3615.796.03 208 165.119-0-3  
3 A Otago Southland (3)1.7214.22 17.7117.8615.5812.9012.9013.716.55 20.004.2114.46 145 151.829-0-3  
4 A Canterbury (1) 5.782.142.443.4515.5812.3120.007.3913.4516.37 2.6016.18 -4 117.696-0-6  
5 A Central Districts (7)11.704.8517.8618.282.141.22 10.3612.617.6912.019.64 5.54 -25 113.906-0-6  
6 A Waikato Bays (2)4.21 19.921.720.004.427.697.10 12.617.990.6619.023.82 -120 89.163-0-9  
7 A Top of the South (5)8.301.860.082.29 4.425.070.000.0012.311.340.000.98  -408 33.651-0-11  

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