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North Island Teams 2023 (July 2023)
Results after 8 of 8 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑L
1 FRASER-HOSKIN (27)160 117.727-0-1  
2 JAMES (13)143 111.457-0-1  
3 GRANT (31)141 109.395-0-3  
4 JOHNSTON (1)91 101.876-0-2  
5 SOLOMON (22)69 96.775-1-2  
6 LIVINGSTON (35)61 95.976-0-2  
7 CHEN (17)72 93.345-1-2  
8 GENC (10)58 92.395-0-3  
9 MIAO (32)47 92.195-0-3  
10 SUN (15)49 90.625-0-3  
11 TAYLOR (21)61 90.545-0-3  
12 WARE (26)54 89.994-0-4  
13 GRAY (3)31 89.085-0-3  
14 LEIBOWITZ (40)33 87.314-0-4  
15 HUMPHREY (23)33 87.244-0-4  
16 CLEAVER (11)64 87.164-0-4  
17 TUMILOWICZ (36)30 85.804-0-4  
18 JONES (25)14 84.635-0-3  
19 NEWTON (8)41 83.933-0-5  
20 WEN (19)46 83.613-0-5  
21 FENWICK (2)9 82.475-0-3  
22 WYLIE (5)1 82.284-0-4  
23 LACEY (24)-1 81.534-0-4  
24 BARON (37)-6 79.254-0-4  
25 SUTTON (12)-1 77.763-0-5  
26 DRISCOLL (39)-24 75.104-0-4  
27 MOSLEY (34)-70 72.254-0-4  
28 RUSSELL (18)-40 71.384-0-4  
29 HU (42)-35 70.893-0-5  
30 HALL (28)-63 70.704-0-4  
31 HOUSE (41)-56 67.073-0-5  
32 TERRY (16)-66 66.124-0-4  
33 HODGE (4)-58 66.092-0-6  
34 WATT (29)-62 64.632-0-6  
35 WOODHALL (20)-65 63.632-0-6  
36 CHANG (6)-91 63.253-0-5  
37 OSBORNE (14)-123 61.354-0-4  
38 SIM (7)-113 57.983-1-4  
39 WINTERS (30)-99 57.122-0-6  
40 HENTON (9)-108 53.672-0-6  
41 EDGINTON (38)-117 53.322-0-6  
42 HEALY (33)-110 51.161-1-6  

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