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HB Congress Open Teams (June 2023)
Results after 7 of 7 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑L
1 A Tumilowicz (5)107 101.797-0-0  
2 A D'Arcy (6)95 92.364-0-3  
3 A Masters (2)84 90.314-1-2  
4 A Burrows (8)83 89.625-0-2  
5 A McAlister (4)81 88.405-0-2  
6 A Gibbons (1)42 82.055-0-2  
7 A McKirdy (3)36 79.544-0-3  
8 A Maxwell (16)31 78.524-0-3  
9 A Thirtle (17)30 76.875-0-2  
10 A Armstrong (19)14 75.004-0-3  
11 A Inglis (20)16 73.024-0-3  
12 A Cleaver (12)-8 72.455-0-2  
13 A Dean (26)4 71.413-1-3  
14 A Blackburn (14)7 69.183-0-4  
15 A Richards (27)-9 68.873-0-4  
16 A Butler (15)-2 68.123-0-4  
17 A Healy (9)-19 67.443-0-4  
18 A Milsum (24)-9 67.343-0-4  
19 A O'Shaughnessy (18)-15 65.333-0-4  
20 A Woodhall (7)-29 63.374-0-3  
21 A Tibble (10)-18 63.193-0-4  
22 A Murphy (21)-11 62.572-0-5  
23 A O'Brien (23)-30 60.152-0-5  
24 A Sheridan (22)-38 59.603-0-4  
25 A Edginton (13)-64 55.972-0-5  
26 A French (25)-101 43.471-0-6  
27 A James (11)-112 40.351-0-6  
28 A Scott (28)-162 31.482-0-5  

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